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Emerald City - Josef Steiff & David Bobrow - Best Pride Themed Film

Tempting Fate - Terry Luke Podnar - Best Short Screenplay

Voices from within - Varoujan Froundijan - Best Experimental Film

Sun Comes Shining - Silvano Plank - Best Short Film

Walton died that night - Mary Smith - Best Thriller Film

Glorious Lies - Park H. Won - Best Romantic Film

Better days of the future - Honey M. Walia - Best Sci-Fi Screenplay

Her name in my hands - Toby Simms - Best Feature Film

A die-hard fan - Rosy Kisku - Best Feature  Screenplay

Polished Gentlemen's Shoes - Joachim H. Bottcher - Finalist

To Grieve or not to grieve - Donald Watson - Finalist 

Oranges & Fishes - Dave Farell - Finalist 

The Gods Playing Banshee - Laura McKarthy - Finalist 

Green is the name of the Devil - Sarah Norton - Finalist 

Yaari - Vidyut Damle - Finalist 

Lush Blue Grasses - Jessica Singh Williams - Finalist 

Bobo Doll - Hyuin In Seo - Finalist 

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