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An interview with Damiano Rossi, the director of The Question Mark

Rossi's experimental short recently gathered a lot of praise in the 3rd season of Filmtage der Nationen. We had a chat with the talented director to learn more about her unique perspectives.

Filmtage : What inspired you to become an independent filmmaker, and how has your journey been so far in this challenging industry?

Damiano : The need to express through sounds and images the things that constantly buzz in my head. Difficulties can be overcome with a little inventiveness and a lot of patience.

Filmtage : Independent filmmaking often comes with limited resources and funding. How do you approach the creative process to maximize the impact of your storytelling within these constraints?

Damiano : If an idea is sufficiently good enough to stand on its own feet the problem of funding almost solves itself.

Filmtage : The film you submitted has received critical acclaim for its unique style and narrative. Can you share the creative decisions and influences that contributed to the film's success?

Damiano : This project was born in a very short time. I was going through some unused sequences from an old video of mine : SMELL OF PAIN-T, when suddenly I had the idea to make what later became THE QUESTION MARK, somehow creating a link between the latter and the former. It could be the main character, Sofia Callegaro before the nacsita, in a kind of limbo.

Filmtage : Independent filmmakers often face challenges in distribution and reaching a wider audience. What strategies have you employed to promote and share your work with a broader community?

Damiano : No strategy. I have given a few interviews and made short video presentations for festivals. I have a facebook page and a you tube channel : @projectparsifal ,but nothing more. I believe a lot in word of mouth, although the process takes longer.

Filmtage : As an independent filmmaker, you have the freedom to explore diverse and unconventional subjects. Could you tell us about a particular project that was close to your heart and the importance of bringing that story to the screen?

Damiano : The projects I have done so far are very different from each other. I always have many ideas in my head, often diametrically opposed, and I don't have to worry about whether they will appeal to someone who can then fund me. I don't have to respond to market demands or the like. You can make excellent independent cinema without the need for special effects or superheroes. I would like to make a horror film without monsters or bleeding of any kind. It can be done ... who knows.

We wish a beautiful, creatively enriching year ahead to Damiano Rossi.

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